GroupMeEmojiMessageRenderer ClassCkSoftware GroupMe SDK - Documentation
Provides static methods to render the emoji images into a message.
Inheritance Hierarchy

System Object
  CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Helpers.Emoji GroupMeEmojiMessageRenderer

Namespace: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Helpers.Emoji
Assembly: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Helpers (in CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Helpers.dll) Version: (

public static class GroupMeEmojiMessageRenderer

The GroupMeEmojiMessageRenderer type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberDefaultHtmlInlineCssConverter
Default emoji to html converter which creates a span with the needed styles to display the emoji as background-image.
Public methodStatic memberMergeMessageWithEmojiImages(String, GroupMeEmojiAttachment, Func GroupMeEmojiImage, String )
Merges the emoji images with the message using a emojiToString converter func. The default converter is the DefaultHtmlInlineCssConverter(GroupMeEmojiImage).
Public methodStatic memberMergeMessageWithEmojiImages(String, Char, IEnumerable GroupMeEmojiImage , Func GroupMeEmojiImage, String )
Merges the emoji images with the message using a emojiToString converter func. The default converter is the DefaultHtmlInlineCssConverter(GroupMeEmojiImage).
Public methodStatic memberOptimizedHtmlCssConverter
Emoji to html converter which creates a span with a css-class 'emoji' and a css-class 'emoji-pack-X' (X is replaced with the pack-name) and only adds the background-position as style attribute. Assumes that the .emoji and .emoji-pack-x classes are styled correctly using CSS.
See Also