GroupMeEmojiMessageRenderer MergeMessageWithEmojiImages Method (String, GroupMeEmojiAttachment, Func GroupMeEmojiImage, String )CkSoftware GroupMe SDK - Documentation
Merges the emoji images with the message using a emojiToString converter func. The default converter is the DefaultHtmlInlineCssConverter(GroupMeEmojiImage).

Namespace: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Helpers.Emoji
Assembly: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Helpers (in CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Helpers.dll) Version: (

public static string MergeMessageWithEmojiImages(
	string message,
	GroupMeEmojiAttachment emojiAttachment,
	Func<GroupMeEmojiImage, string> emojiToStringConverter = null


Type: System String
The message to parse and to enrich with the emoji images.
Type: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Core.Dao GroupMeEmojiAttachment
The original emoji message attachment.
emojiToStringConverter (Optional)
Type: System Func GroupMeEmojiImage, String 
The converter to render GroupMeEmojiImage instances into a string. Default converter is the Method DefaultHtmlInlineCssConverter(GroupMeEmojiImage), for optimized html output use OptimizedHtmlCssConverter(GroupMeEmojiImage) or an own implementation if you need any other placeholders in the output string.

Return Value

Type: String
The enriched message containing all emoji images rendered using the emojiToStringConverter parameter.
See Also