Demo for the ASP.NET 4.0 Charts Control.
On this page, you can play with the new ASP.NET Charts Control, avaliable in the .NET Framework 4.0.
This is an example page for the CodeProject article about the Charts Control I wrote lately: ASP.NET 4.0 Chart Control, a short introduction into the new ASP.NET 4.0 Charts Control (on
The Source-Code of this example can be downloaded here: (22.13 kb).
If you have any questions or remarks, please don't hesitate to write me a comment.
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5 Values10 Values20 Values50 Values100 Values500 Values
Point FastPoint Bubble Line Spline StepLine FastLine Bar StackedBar Column StackedColumn Area SplineArea StackedArea Pie Doughnut Stock Candlestick Range SplineRange RangeBar RangeColumn Radar Polar ErrorBar BoxPlot Renko ThreeLineBreak Kagi PointAndFigure Funnel Pyramid
Use 3D Chart