Enumeration of all available GroupMe API response codes.
Namespace: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Core.DaoAssembly: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Core (in CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Core.dll) Version: (
Member name | Value | Description | |
Ok | 200 | Request was accepted and executed correctly. | |
Created | 201 | Indicates that an entity was successfully created. | |
Accepted | 202 | Indicates that a request was successfully accepted. | |
NoContent | 204 | Indicates that the request was accepted and executed correctly, but no content was returned from the API. | |
NotModified | 304 | Indicates that a collection or an entity was not modified. Occurs currently at the message and direct-message index commands. | |
BadRequest | 400 | Indicates an error with the given parameters. | |
Unauthorized | 401 | Indicates a wrong / expired auth-token or any other unathorized situation. | |
Forbidden | 403 | Indicates a forbidden action. Currently occurs at creating new direct messages if the user is sending too much messages. | |
NotFound | 404 | Indicates that the requested resource was not found. Currently occurs in async processing when the result is already deleted from the server. | |
EnhanceYourCalm | 420 | Indicates that a rate-limit was reached. Currently not occuring anywhere (as not declared in GroupMe API documentation). | |
InternalServerError | 500 | States an internal server error, mostly occuring if there's something wrong with the GroupMe API service. | |
BadGateway | 502 | Indicates that there is an error reaching the API. Perhaps they're updating their servers. | |
ServiceUnavailable | 503 | Indicates that the requested service is not available currently, just try it again later. Currently occurs in async processing when the result is not yet ready. |
See Also