GroupMeEmojiMessageParser ParseMessage Method CkSoftware GroupMe SDK - Documentation
Parses the given message using the given emojiSearchRegexString and returns the correct replaced message and as out parameter the GroupMeEmojiAttachment to attach to the message create method.

Namespace: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Helpers.Emoji
Assembly: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Helpers (in CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Helpers.dll) Version: (

public static string ParseMessage(
	string message,
	out GroupMeEmojiAttachment emojiAttachment,
	string emojiSearchRegexString = "{{(\d*),(\d*)}}"


Type: System String
The text to submit.
Type: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Core.Dao GroupMeEmojiAttachment 
Output of the parsed emoji images, can be directly added to the message attachments. Will be null if there is no emoji in the message.
emojiSearchRegexString (Optional)
Type: System String
A regex to search for emoji elements in the message. The regex must result in 2 groups where the first group contains the pack id and the second contains the emoji id of the pack. Default search regex looks for this scheme: {{PACKID,EMOJIID}}. Example: {{1,0}} = first image of first pack, {{3,10}} = 10th image of 3rd pack.

Return Value

Type: String
The replaced message, ready to send along with the generated GroupMeEmojiAttachment.
See Also