Updates the group with the given groupId with the given data. Attention: only new data must be added, so if you only want to change the description, only add the description parameter.
Namespace: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.GroupsAssembly: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Groups (in CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Groups.dll) Version: (
public Task<GroupMeGroup> UpdateGroup(
string groupId,
string newGroupName = "",
string newDescription = "",
PictureData newGroupImage = null,
bool openForSharing = false
public Task<GroupMeGroup> UpdateGroup(
string groupId,
string newGroupName = "",
string newDescription = "",
PictureData newGroupImage = null,
bool openForSharing = false
Public Function UpdateGroup (
groupId As String,
Optional newGroupName As String = "",
Optional newDescription As String = "",
Optional newGroupImage As PictureData = Nothing,
Optional openForSharing As Boolean = false
) As Task(Of GroupMeGroup)
Public Function UpdateGroup (
groupId As String,
Optional newGroupName As String = "",
Optional newDescription As String = "",
Optional newGroupImage As PictureData = Nothing,
Optional openForSharing As Boolean = false
) As Task(Of GroupMeGroup)
member UpdateGroup :
groupId : string *
?newGroupName : string *
?newDescription : string *
?newGroupImage : PictureData *
?openForSharing : bool
(* Defaults:
let _newGroupName = defaultArg newGroupName ""
let _newDescription = defaultArg newDescription ""
let _newGroupImage = defaultArg newGroupImage null
let _openForSharing = defaultArg openForSharing false
-> Task<GroupMeGroup>
member UpdateGroup :
groupId : string *
?newGroupName : string *
?newDescription : string *
?newGroupImage : PictureData *
?openForSharing : bool
(* Defaults:
let _newGroupName = defaultArg newGroupName ""
let _newDescription = defaultArg newDescription ""
let _newGroupImage = defaultArg newGroupImage null
let _openForSharing = defaultArg openForSharing false
-> Task<GroupMeGroup>
Return Value
Task GroupMeGroup An awaitable Task resulting in an updated