GroupMeApiResultCode EnumerationCkSoftware GroupMe SDK - Documentation
Enumeration of all available GroupMe API response codes.

Namespace: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Core.Dao
Assembly: CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Core (in CkSoftware.GroupMe.Sdk.Core.dll) Version: (

public enum GroupMeApiResultCode

  Member nameValueDescription
Ok200 Request was accepted and executed correctly.
Created201 Indicates that an entity was successfully created.
Accepted202 Indicates that a request was successfully accepted.
NoContent204 Indicates that the request was accepted and executed correctly, but no content was returned from the API.
NotModified304 Indicates that a collection or an entity was not modified. Occurs currently at the message and direct-message index commands.
BadRequest400 Indicates an error with the given parameters.
Unauthorized401 Indicates a wrong / expired auth-token or any other unathorized situation.
Forbidden403 Indicates a forbidden action. Currently occurs at creating new direct messages if the user is sending too much messages.
NotFound404 Indicates that the requested resource was not found. Currently occurs in async processing when the result is already deleted from the server.
EnhanceYourCalm420 Indicates that a rate-limit was reached. Currently not occuring anywhere (as not declared in GroupMe API documentation).
InternalServerError500 States an internal server error, mostly occuring if there's something wrong with the GroupMe API service.
BadGateway502 Indicates that there is an error reaching the API. Perhaps they're updating their servers.
ServiceUnavailable503 Indicates that the requested service is not available currently, just try it again later. Currently occurs in async processing when the result is not yet ready.
See Also