UserInfo PropertiesCkSoftware GroupMe SDK - Documentation

The UserInfo type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAvatarImage
The PictureData for the user avatar.
Public propertyAvatarUrl
The image-url for the user avatar.
Public propertyCreatedAt
The DateTime the user was created.
Public propertyCreatedAtSecondsSinceEpoch
The DateTime the user was created in unix format (seconds since epoch).
Public propertyEmail
The registered email address for this user.
Public propertyName
The users name.
Public propertyPhoneNumber
The users telephone-number.
Public propertySmsModeEnabled
Defines if the SMS mode is enabled.
Public propertyUpdatedAt
The DateTime the user was last updated.
Public propertyUpdatedAtSecondsSinceEpoch
The DateTime the user was last updated in unix format (seconds since epoch).
Public propertyUserId
The user-id.
See Also